
Career’s Office Services

The Careers Office at Trafalgar High School offers various support and program information, such as Work Experience support, Structured Workplace Learning support, help with VTAC applications for Year 12 students, and assistance with preparing for interviews and finding work.

Work Experience Information

Students from years 10 to 12 can undertake up to 4 weeks of work experience per year and the Career’s office staff are more than happy to assist. The Year 10 students undertake at least one week of work experience during the school year.

Current Job Vacancies

To find Current Job Vacancies that would suit students please see our Careers team. We can also assist with Resume writing, Cover Letters and interview skills.

Current Apprenticeships Available

Please see our Careers team for updated Apprenticeship or trainee positions with local companies.

Coming Events and Open Days

Throughout the year programs and sessions are organised to give students a more in depth look at a specific career pathways and other educational opportunities.

70-80 School Road, Trafalgar, 3824

ABN: 68 394 815 266