Student Wellbeing & Support
Trafalgar High School has a Student Wellbeing and Support Team with a focus to oversee the wellbeing of students in the school. The Student Welfare Coordinator David Lyons (Full Time) and the School Chaplain Arita Smith is able to provide and arrange support and guidance to students and/or parents. Assist with referrals to and liaise with local youth support agencies; and help in the selection process for students to be involved in extra curricula programs.
A range of internal school programmes are offered to students, some of these include: Positive Choices, extra transition, Girls Group, Boys Group, and the Seasons for Growth program as well as access to community based programs including PAWS from Mind Australia, Aim High from Berry Street and the wide range of programs from the Trafalgar Youth Resource Centre.
Trafalgar High School partners with the volunteers at the Trafalgar Youth Resource Centre for a number of mentoring programs which operates with the assistance of Gippsland Youth Mentoring Alliance, Trafalgar Lions Club and Trafalgar Rotary Club. This partnership provides mentoring for students from Years 7-12 with the opportunity to access trained volunteer mentors who can provide support and assistance. This program provides a level of support to encourage positive participation and communication with volunteer members of the local community.
This year will be the fouth year that the Peer Leaders Programme has been offered to Year 10 students. The Peer Leader program works on developing leadership skills within the school environment. Our selected Year 10 students will work within a mentoring role with a Year 7 Multi Purpose Period for the whole year, running a range of activities and also using lunchtime and afterschool opportunities.
The Wellbeing and Support team meet throughout the year and add in additional programs as the need arises. So if you wish to discuss any of these matters please come and speak with a member of the team. The Student Wellbeing office is located in the main corridor across from the main staff room.
Referrals and Appointments:
Student Referrals:
Students may see a member of the team before school, recess, lunch or after school to make a time to discuss an issue. We try to respond at that time but sometimes more in-depth meetings are needed and Students will be given an appointment time during the day.
Parent Referrals:
Parents can directly refer a student to welfare either by phoning the team or writing the request in a note to the form teacher to pass on.
Representatives from the Wellbeing and Support team attend Parent Teacher Interview days/nights and can see parents as part of these events.
Teacher Referrals:
Student can be referred to the welfare team either directly or via the year level coordinator.
Students are discussed at fortnightly Welfare meetings and students may be identified for referral by the Sub Schools.